We are pleased to share the fall 2023 edition of Compassion in Action: Your Community Impact Report. You’ll find the following content:
- Message about our Mental Health Response to Crisis in Israel
- Five Ways to Help Feed Our Community
- Thank You for Supporting the Back-to-School Drive!
- Donor Spotlight: James Goldman, Money Coach
- Staff Spotlight: Alicia Walker, Client Support Specialist
- Leaving a Legacy for Today and for Generations to Come
Many of us have personal connections to family, friends, and others in Israel, and we are navigating this difficult time as best we can. Jewish Family Service’s mental health team is here for you, and we are proud to offer our expertise with the support of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford and the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford.
Please let us know how we can support you. We are providing a list of resources at jfshartford.org/Israel, which will be updated as needed.

Our hearts are with our friends and loved ones in Israel, and JFS is supporting our clients through this distressing time. At the same time, we continue to provide basic need support to families in our community who depend on us for access to kosher food. JFS has been there for these families in Greater Hartford for over a hundred years, and with your support, the Anja Rosenberg Kosher Food Pantry at JFS will be there for families this year, next year, and for the next hundred years. Top 5 ways to make a difference!
1. You’re Invited: Attend the 11th Annual Event to Combat Hunger on Tuesday, November 14, at 5:30 PM. Please help us raise the funds needed to feed our hungry community.
A special thank you to PASI as a lead event sponsor. To secure your tickets and to see a full sponsor list, visit jfshartford.org/event-list.

2. Double Your Impact and Donate a Thanksgiving Bag: A $25 donation provides a special grocery bag of Thanksgiving items to a family in need. Thanks to the generosity of the Rosenberg family, your donation will be matched to support vital programs and services for food pantry clients. Donate Today!
3. Drop Off a Frozen Turkey : Drop off a kosher (preferred) or non-kosher turkey at Beth El Temple on Sunday, November 19, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
4. Volunteer: Help distribute hundreds of Thanksgiving bags and turkeys on Sunday, November 19! Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Laura Miacola to sign up.
5. Spread the Word: Do you know someone who could benefit from the Anja Rosenberg Kosher Food Pantry? Please encourage them to reach out to us at (860) 236-1927 or email Lmiacola@jfshartford.org. We serve all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation.

THANK YOU for making the 9th annual back-to-school drive a huge success! Together, we provided 110 backpacks loaded with grade-specific supplies to kids and teens in the Greater Hartford area. Special thanks to our 80+ donors and volunteers, S&S Worldwide, Mandell JCC, PJ Library Greater Hartford, and Jewish Children’s Service Organization (JCSO).

James Goldman, one of JFS’s outstanding volunteers, recently received an Honorable Mention in the prestigious Invest in Others Awards which recognizes financial advisors who go above and beyond to make a positive impact on their communities. As JFS’s “Money Coach,” Jim demonstrates his passion for assisting others with financial goals to help secure a brighter future. His expertise, compassion, and unwavering support have touched many lives.
Money Coach is a 50-minute confidential service that provides education and information to help people make informed financial decisions or set goals. Wherever you are in your journey to understand your finances, Money Coach is here to help. Appointments available this Fall! For information or to schedule an appointment visit jfshartford.org/money-coach or call (860) 236-1927.

Alicia Walker, Client Support Specialist, helps people access essential support and tools that foster financial independence and security. She diligently evaluates the unique needs of each individual, identifies potential state resources, and closely collaborates with existing community resources. Alicia conducts a comprehensive basic needs assessments, actively works with clients to overcome obstacles, and helps them pave the way for financial stability. Please reach out to JFS at (860) 236-1927 or email us to access support today.

Our legacy donors are individuals just like you who are committed to helping people in our community on a path to a stable, safe, and emotionally healthy life today, tomorrow, and for generations to come. Leaving a legacy has a long-lasting positive impact. A gift could be donated today or included in your will or estate planning, whatever is best for you!

The Life & Legacy™ program is helping JFS to secure the future of our compassionate community-based services. Please contact Elisabeth Kostin at ekostin@jfshartford.org or (860) 761-7080 to discuss how you can make a difference today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.
We want to hear from you! Compassion In Action: Your JFS Community Impact Report is about what we do together each and every day. We welcome your feedback and look forward to being a voice for many important issues our community is facing.
Questions? If you have questions about your gift to JFS or want to get more involved, please be in touch with Elisabeth Kostin, Director of Development, at ekostin@jfshartford.org or (860) 761-7080. |