Monthly Archives: October 2023

25 10, 2023

Compassion in Action – Community Impact Report – Fall 2023

2023-10-25T12:41:18-04:00October 25th, 2023|JFS Blog|

We are pleased to share the fall 2023 edition of Compassion in Action: Your Community Impact Report. You’ll find the following content:Message about our Mental Health Response to Crisis in IsraelFive Ways to Help Feed Our Community Thank You for Supporting the Back-to-School Drive!Donor Spotlight: James Goldman, Money CoachStaff Spotlight: Alicia Walker, Client Support SpecialistLeaving a Legacy for Today and for Generations to Come  Many of us have personal connections to family, friends, and others in Israel, and we are navigating this difficult time as best we can. Jewish Family Service’s mental health team is here for you, and we are proud to offer our expertise with the support of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford and the Jewish Community Foundation of [...]

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